
3 Pre-Interview Mantras to Psych Yourself Up

In All, Job Experience, The Job Hunter by Ethan SmithLeave a Comment



1. Remind yourself that the interviewer is a person just like you

The person interviewing you was also once in your position, being interviewed for the job, questioned and put under scrutiny. He or she is just a human being like you are, with a family, life, bills to pay, imperfections and problems of their own.

Remind yourself of this. Don’t treat the interviewer like a super-human or robot or a scary person. Be yourself, have fun, converse and treat the interviewer as a fellow human being.


2. Write and dwell on a time when you were in a place of power

Some studies have shown that, before a job interview, writing down on a piece of paper or dwelling on a moment in your life where you were in control, leading or in a position of authority, gives you a better chance in a job interview.

In an interview you’re in a low position or subordinate to the interviewer but when you reflect on your own experiences of leadership/power, it gives you that boost of confidence or persuasiveness that you can execute when answering those difficult questions.


3. Practice with a friend

Getting a job is a serious matter that impacts the course of your life. Don’t be ashamed to ask your friend for help by rehearsing a realistic job interview with them. This will help you answer all the common questions and even the tough questions a hiring manager may ask.

Being ready, knowing your stuff, and being able to sell yourself in a natural and friendly way is one of the greatest ways to nail that next job interview.

Good luck!

Ethan Smith
Ethan is quite a strange individual. He wishes to become a theologian one day and yet he bursts into song at any moment he pleases.

He is currently employed as a Virtual Assistant, born and raised in New Zealand, he is an ex-model turned bald. He has a Bachelor’s degree but is now studying towards his Masters in Divinity.

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