
6 Reasons Why Your Recruitment Process Isn’t Working

In All, The Human Resource by Rebecca PhamLeave a Comment


Are you having trouble finding the perfect candidate for your job? Here are 6 reasons why your recruitment process may not be working…

1. You can have too many rounds of interviews

Typically, interviews should never go beyond three rounds.

Companies that go beyond this indicates that their hiring process is broken and they can’t filter out second-tier talents.

Studies have actually found that the more interview rounds candidates have to go through, the higher the chance that they aren’t right for your company.

If you aren’t thinking “Wow, they have the x-factor! I’m going to offer them the job” after the first two rounds, just let them go. Any more screening would just be a waste of time.

2. You’re indecisive about what you need and what you don’t need

Ignore a “well-rounded” employee, jot down two or three key attributes that you require your next hire to possess. Keeping these skills in mind will help you quickly shortlist your candidate list from hundreds to tens.

Figuring out what you don’t need is just as important as finding what you do need.


Jeff Haden from Inc 5000. suggests using this tip…

“Complete this sentence about a theoretical employee: “I don’t care how great she is, I would still let her go because she ________.

Those are your no-go attributes. Never lose sight of them.”

3. You can’t find the needle in the haystack

Is finding the perfect fit like finding a needle in a haystack for you? Do a first pass and pull out all the weeds. Set aside any candidate that doesn’t have what you really need.

Don’t be tempted by the, “Wow, she really has a wide range of skills,” candidate. If she doesn’t bring the one or two attributes you really need, she’ll be a good employee, but she’s not likely to be great.

4. You’re not asking the right questions

Spend 10 percent of your time assessing general qualities and 90 percent of your time ensuring the candidate truly has what you need.

Dig in. Ask for examples. Ask lots of follow-up questions. Write everything down so you can measure and compare candidates accurately.

5. Your interviewer is inexperienced

Nothing makes a candidate more skeptical than having a series of interviews with extremely inexperienced interviewers.

Even if you don’t have a formal hiring process (which you should), you must train people before they start interviewing.

Interviewing is about collecting information and building a relationship with a candidate. Make sure you are not losing great candidates because your team is not experienced at recruiting.

6. You’re not promoting your job to the right market

Don’t be surprised if you get inundated with piles of irrelevant resumes when you post your job openings on every available surface.

It is easy to market your job ads selectively, use channels in your recruitment marketing the same way your organization undoubtedly does in its product or service marketing.

For example, if you have a large fan base on facebook, promote your job there because those who love your brand would likely be great candidates and ambassadors of your brand!

The bottom line

Hiring great people is really hard work. It’s not rocket science, but it does take a structured process, experience, and a lot of energy.

But is it worth it? Yes!

See how these 3 companies are currently using social media and mobile technology to hire great people - and getting great results!

Project Manager of @Workible, Obsessed with Marrying HR with IT, Lifelong Learner & Dedicated Foodie. Beware of cheesy life quotes! 😉

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