
Recruiting in 2015: How to Use LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to Find Good Employees

In All, Social Recruitment, The Human Resource by Ethan SmithLeave a Comment

recruiting-1(This Image was found at Capterra)

Social media is steadily growing as an important tool for recruiting and finding quality employees. One study shows 94% of recruiters use (or plan to use) social media for recruiting. This is no surprise since we now live in an age of social media and networking.

Another study shows 89% of all recruiters report having hired someone through LinkedIn. It’s important for hiring managers to take advantage of social media when it comes to finding good quality employees. Why not? It’s free! But how do we do this?

Here are some ways to get started.

Post a status update on LinkedIn

LinkedIn gives users the opportunity to have a network of people who are familiar with you and your business. You can post a status update (either an individual or company one) to your network informing them of the position you want to fill and they can quickly introduce you to the candidate.

This is a very fast and easy way to find great employees. Just make sure you don’t overdo it. Posting twice a week is a recommended amount. Your post will also get additional exposure when your connections hit ‘Like’ on the post.


Share your job post on Facebook and Twitter

The same source also reports that 26% of recruiters have found employees through Facebook. This isn’t a bad number considering Facebook isn’t focused on the professional side the way LinkedIn is.

Post a Facebook status telling your friends about a job opening or create a new Facebook group advertising your company while emphasizing job opportunities. No harm in trying. 15% of recruiters find employees from twitter.


Checking your list of company followers on LinkedIn

It’s also possible to find great candidates from LinkedIn by making sure to check the list of people who are following your company. These are people likely interested in your company and may love the opportunity to apply.


Using the “Advanced People Search” feature on LinkedIn

This feature allows you to find and connect with relevant candidates; to add them to your growing network. You can choose to find people from specific states/cities with the relevant skills, industries and experience using the Keyboards criteria.

You can even use the Company field to search for people employed or ex-employed in competing companies. These people may be looking to leave and join a better company, namely, yours. Remember to save your searches so you can quickly use them again!

These are just some of the ways hiring managers and employers can use free social media websites for the benefit of finding good quality employees for their business. Remember to keep connected, make your business known and happy recruiting!

Ethan Smith
Ethan is quite a strange individual. He wishes to become a theologian one day and yet he bursts into song at any moment he pleases.

He is currently employed as a Virtual Assistant, born and raised in New Zealand, he is an ex-model turned bald. He has a Bachelor’s degree but is now studying towards his Masters in Divinity.

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