Give Your Students Access to Jobs That Fit
Workible is Australia’s job marketplace connecting employers and job seekers through web and mobile. We believe we share our core mission with training organizations like yourself that prepare job seekers for employment whether that is while they study or once they’ve completed their education.
Workibleʼs availability matching allows your students to find work that fits their available time and with local employers offering everything from casual and part-time jobs to volunteer opportunities and full time work, there will be something for everyone.
You can also use Workible’s FREE Jobs@ Plugin to power your own Custom Jobs Platform and provide your students with easy access to all relevant job opportunities available – you can even customise it to suit each of your departments.
More Info
You can also become a verified Training Partner to help your students achieve a premium position in search results and applications by endorsing them for skills and qualifications so they appear at the top of the list.
Enquire About Partnership Opportunities
Download a FREE Schools Kit to share with your students.